As a graphic designer, you’re probably always on a lookout for new and innovative ways to impress your clients. If so, you might want to think about getting your hands on some 3D models and using them as part of your presentation process. In fact, these types of models can help you create memorable sales presentations that make all the difference when it comes time for that crucial pitch or presentation. So how do they work? What are they made from? And what should you consider before buying one? Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about 3D foam models today.
How to make investor and sales presentations more powerful with 3D models of your product, ideas, inventions?
Human beings use all their senses to consume information and data. As a consequence, your investors and sales team would appreciate having a three-dimensional model of your product that they can touch and feel. Making a foam model is very affordable. This is an option well worth considering if you’re looking for an innovative way to get more traction with your investor pitches or sales presentations.
Don’t just tell investors about your products and your vision – show them with detailed 3D printed models.
Who can benefit:
- Developers
- Inventors
- Contractors
- Designers
- Architects
- Builders
Types of 3D Foam Models
3D foam models are commonly used in sales presentations, but you can also use 3-dimensional displays for any number of purposes. Whether you want a visual addition to your presentation or you’re looking for ways to inform customers about your business, including new products, 3D models are an affordable way to take your ideas from concept to reality. In addition, there are sales models, machinery models, large equipment models, plan floor models, and terrain models.
3D Foam Models from Foam Fab – A New Way to Display Your Product
If you’re trying to attract new customers, the best way to do it may be with the help of 3D foam models. These models are great ways to display your product and make it appear more lifelike than just an image on your website or brochure. They can also be useful in helping your customers visualize how they would use your product, which can lead to more sales conversions. Let Foam Fab experts take care of your new 3D models.